You register a new store in the Payment Partner page, but cannot find the store in the Marketing Partner page.
The problem can be caused by the following reasons:
Try solve the problem according to the following steps:
In the Store Update page, you can find all the newly registered stores that are recongnized as existing ones. Please compare the store information carefully and ensure that a new store is to be added. After you click Add New Store, the review will be completed in two working days. If the review is passed, you can see the new store in the Marketing Partner page.
机构在Payment Partner工作台报备的店铺,在Marketing Partner工作台找不到
进入Marketing Partner工作台中,Store Management-->History of Changes菜单下面,有一个“Store Update”功能。
进入这个版块,所有P Partner报备店铺系统认为应该新建运营店铺的讯息均会再次展现。表格左侧原店名、地址即为系统认为已经存在的运营店铺名称、地址。
右侧新店铺名称、地址为P Partner新报备的店铺讯息。比对左右两边店铺讯息是否为同一店铺。
如果两边为不同店铺,点击“Add New Store”,系统会自动向支付宝小二发送申述,两个工作日内审批完成。审批通过后自动就在M列表里显示店铺了。