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How to find the correct store address by using GM Portal?

Store batch-creation might fail if the store address cannot be found on Google Maps. You can find the correct store address by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Batch Create Stores.
  2. Click Find the Store.
  1. Enter the store address to verify if Google Maps can find it.
  2. If the address cannot be found, zoom or drag the map to find the correct store address, which is displayed as the map pin address. For example, the address of a restaurant:
  1. Click Copy.
  2. Paste the map pin address as the store address.
  3. Retry store registration.

批量开店时,由于填写的“店铺地址”无法通过谷歌地图API查询对应的经纬度,导致开店失败。GM Portal提供官方地址小工具用于帮助进行店铺定位。

在“Batch Create Stores”浮层中,点击“查找店铺精确位置”按钮,进入店铺地址定位小工具。
